10 top tips for beginner bakers.

Baking’s pretty easy really, but a few tips can make things easier still. If you’re new to baking, I hope these ten pointers will give you a headstart on your recipe.

Crafting fun… without the mess.

I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting my children to busy themselves with wholesome creative pursuits … just with as little mess as possible.
After many years of trial and error, here are my best bets.

10 minute tea – super speedy chicken noodles.

As fun as it is spending hours making a dinner that draws nothing but complaint, sometimes I prefer to make something that takes 10 minutes and everyone enjoys. These chicken noodles are always close to the top of that list.

Chocolate chickpea brownies

Always looking for a way to make brownies a staple of my diet, this recipe has some good stuff in and tastes pretty great. Give them a whirl!

10 minute oat and banana muffins

Currently mad for oat-based baked goods, these healthy muffins are going down a storm in our house. Super easy, you can mix them in minutes and have them ready to eat in half an hour. Give them a try!

Chocolate and salted caramel layer cake.

I’m in the middle of working on some healthy baking options. This chocolate and salted caramel confection absolutely doesn’t fall into that category, but it really is rather nice…