

Hi there – thanks for swinging by. I’m Suzi: mother-of-two, pet-owner, primary teacher, dark-chocolate-digestive-lover, with a great appreciation for sunshine, nice nails, all things mid-century, mini-breaks, red lips and good books, and a tendency towards fads, giddiness and leopard print.

I’ve always loved to write and through this blog – whilst only too clearly no expert in the parenting field – I share some of the tips I’ve picked up throughout these last few years navigating life with bambini in tow.

I share thoughts for how you can keep the little people entertained to give you some peace, some days out that won’t make you wish you’d stayed at home, recipes for food that children seem to be able to force down and some general mumlife stuff. I do love a beauty product and a new outfit and I’m pleased to share my legwork for the common good. I am completely delighted to hear from anyone who has happened upon this, so please do get in touch.


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