Lemon curd breakfast muffins

These lemon muffins are handy to have in, to pop in my littlest badger’s piehole at 6am, when she springs into action and I am still far from being functional. They’re also a good breaktime snack and madly easy to make.
Give them a whirl!

Overnight oats

Overnight oats – they’re no lookers, but they’re tasty and substantial and nutritious – and prepared in advance, which is good news for those of us who are very much not morning people.

Pretty healthy cookie bake.

Super-speedy-pretty-healthy-actually-really-delicious cookie bake; ideal for a bit of weekend confecting.

Super speedy tuna.

I do most of my shopping in Aldi now, and bought every ingredient for this very easy, very quick, healthy dinner there. After a busy day of scooting and giddiness it was just what was needed.

Chocolate energy bites

I’m always on the lookout for a healthy snack for my ever-hungry children.
These chocolate-y snacks, full of fibre, protein and good fats have proved pretty popular. At least one of them would still prefer a bag of Haribo, but it’s a work in progress…

10 top tips for beginner bakers.

Baking’s pretty easy really, but a few tips can make things easier still. If you’re new to baking, I hope these ten pointers will give you a headstart on your recipe.

10 minute tea – super speedy chicken noodles.

As fun as it is spending hours making a dinner that draws nothing but complaint, sometimes I prefer to make something that takes 10 minutes and everyone enjoys. These chicken noodles are always close to the top of that list.

Chocolate chickpea brownies

Always looking for a way to make brownies a staple of my diet, this recipe has some good stuff in and tastes pretty great. Give them a whirl!

10 minute oat and banana muffins

Currently mad for oat-based baked goods, these healthy muffins are going down a storm in our house. Super easy, you can mix them in minutes and have them ready to eat in half an hour. Give them a try!

Chocolate and salted caramel layer cake.

I’m in the middle of working on some healthy baking options. This chocolate and salted caramel confection absolutely doesn’t fall into that category, but it really is rather nice…

Easy peasy birthday cake.

I am writing this from our holiday. I meant to write it before we set off, but birthday demands, end of term shenanigans and holiday packing left spare time in short supply. Apols, therefore for formatting of a poorer standard than usual – there are a number of things I am struggling to work out…